The internal pipe blasting machine equipment applies an even, 360° blasting stream to the inward divider, leaving a predictable blast design prepared for any covering. Choosing the appropriate pipe tool requires measuring the pipe precisely. A more modest internal width pipe, up to 304 mm, is best treated with a tool, which uses an avoidance tip to make the 360° blast design. For pipe with internal aspects more noteworthy than 304 mm, suggests internal blasting equipment, which utilizes a turning blast head to convey a high sway, reliable blast finish. pipe tools can be utilized on pipe insides up to 1500 mm in measurement. The turning blast head is activated by either a compacted air gulf or a different air engine. While blasting bigger width pipes, or blasting an enormous volume of pipe, We suggest utilizing an air engine fueled pipe tool, which conveys the ideal harmony between solid accuracy, strength, and high-volume blasting.
We deal in four types of air-operated tools prototypes of internal pipe blasting equipment utilized for cleaning inside the measurement of the pipe (going 51-1200mm) and up to 40 feet. These tools are not difficult to work and no turn of weighty pipes is required, subsequently saving time and use. The tool is embedded into empty pipes combined with a compact blaster through a blasting hose and carried on the lightweight focusing carriage, the tool is additionally pushed physically from one finish to the next. Along these lines, sand blasting machine is proposed to take out old paints, nonsensical rust, carbon plant scale, and so forth to accomplish a white metal completion (ideal toward additional covering).
internal pipe cleaning machine quickly, effectively, and constantly kills utilization, dust, and one more development from far-off areas inside the piping. The movement is direct: an effect pipe is fitted with a pipe instrument, and the gadget is eliminated starting with one completion of the chamber then onto the next.
This kind of affecting equipment can not simply clear the dirt, scale, welding slag, etc from the internal pipes, yet it similarly can decrease the internal surface tension. Thusly, this kind of gear can incomprehensibly construct the assistance life of the steel pipe and reduction the internal utilization of the steel pipe, hence chipping away at the normal and appearance nature of the steel pipe.
We offer remarkable Internal pipe cleaning machines that work on the air sway rule. The lance internal pipe affecting the spout is used for cleaning within the surface of the pipe.
The machine can be given a delta and outlet transport and dealing with structure. The shot-affected surface gives preferable holding over the last covering.

Internal pipe blasting Machine Specification:
Model. No. | Internal Pipe Diameter |
SB IRBT – 197A | 50 mm – 200 mm |
SBIRBT – 197B | 200 mm – 600 mm |
SBIRBT – 197C | 600 mm – 900 mm |
SB IRBT – 197D | 900 mm – 1500 mm |
Notable Features Of Internal Pipe Blasting Equipment:
- Internal pipe blasting equipment of the internal pipe width ranges from (2″- 36″ and 12 Mtr Length) for evacuation of any sort of degrading.
- Non-revolution of weighty pipes.
- Financial, experienced, and Light Weight for comfortable taking care of.
- Pneumatically worked, no power required.
- Joined to reasonable Portable Sand Blasting Machine Models (SB PORT 150/300/500/0/1000), simple arrangement.
- Provided with a focusing collar and flexible focusing carriage to suit a changed scope of pipe widths.
- Supported any irregular lattice 18-40 (aside from channel garnet/sand, aluminum oxide, and silicon oxide).
- Modern applications: Refineries, Pipe Liners/Manufacturers, Shipyard Water, Gas, and Chemical Factories, and so on
Types of Internal Pipe Blasting Machine :
(I) pipe sand blasting equipment, STI IPBT
(II) pipe sand blasting equipment, STI IRBT (ROTO BLAST)
Pipe sand blasting equipment, STI IPBT
- Ideal for little ID 50mm – 300mm.
- No moving part cleans through the persistent round movement of blast stream
- Gotten with the guide of the Tungsten Carbide diverter tip.
- Great TC parts, guaranteeing a more extended life.
- Light Weight (5 Kgs) for simple dealing with.
- Focusing Collars help to build range.
Pipe sand blasting equipment, STI IRBT (ROTO BLAST)
- The spinning head is operated by compressed air and carries sand blasting nozzle that is positioned radially and run at constant velocity to provide consistent and even blasting.
- Internal pipe blasting equipment at tends 3 leg mount for better hold, focusing carriage and two number of TC lined spouts.
Internal Pipe Blasting Machine Price
Shot blasting machine is the leading Manufacturer of Internal Pipe Blasting Machine in India at a low price for sale. Internal Pipe Blasting Machine Equipment price depends on the type of Internal Pipe Blasting Machine in India. We are also the manufacturer of sand blasting machine, shot blasting machine, grit blasting machine, abrasive blasting machine, automatic sand blasting machine, sand blasting room, shot blasting cabinet, thermal spray gun, flame spray gun, abrasive media in India.